Lactose and babies: Important things you need to know

Lactose intolerance is often blamed for stomach problems in children who drink cow's milk, but the truth is that lactose intolerance is rare in all populations before 2 or 3 years of age. Read more about lactose — and what can really cause the symptoms. Also, if you are looking for premium lactose free formula for your babies, you can count on L-Zero. All lactose has the same structure Lactose is made up of two simple sugars, glucose and galactose. Regardless of the source of milk - cow, goat, or human - the lactose it contains is molecularly identical. Lactose intolerance in young children is rare Both galactosemia and congenital lactase deficiency, also known as congenital alactasia, are rare conditions in which a baby is unable to break down the lactose in breast milk or formula. Most babies produce lactase to help digest the lactose in breast milk. Lactose intolerance due to a relative or absolute deficiency of the enzyme l...