What to do if your milk supply is low?

If you suspect your baby is not getting enough milk, consult a lactation consultant or lactation specialist. They will assess whether you are deprived of milk and monitor breastfeeding to see if your baby is feeding well and getting enough milk. You may suggest that you adjust your feeding position or your baby’s latch so that they can suckle more effectively. You can try Lact M Granules , which is a great breast milk enhancer by Furious Nutritions, The top Manufacturer of infant formula in India . You can also try making more skin-to-skin contact with your baby before and during feedings to stimulate the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates milk flow. Or use relaxation techniques, such as listening to your favorite soothing music, to reduce the anxiety that can interfere with your treatment. With support, most low-lying mothers are able to partially breastfeed their babies, and some will be able to develop full milk production. Misconceptions about low milk ...