Best Infant and Low Birth Weight Formula for Kids

Adapted infant formula is the next best choice after the mother's milk. In the absence of breastfeeding, a baby formula enriched with iron is a suitable substitute for the infant born on time. Although milk formulas are not identical in composition to mother's milk so that they are designed to meet the nutritional needs of this age. Otherwise, they are used as a substitute, or in addition to breast milk (when mothers do not breastfeed or do not have enough milk). Indications for use of the baby formula: substitute for breast milk when an infant is unable to suckle, supplement to breastfeeding babies who do not progress adequately in weight. medical contraindications to breastfeeding: maternal infection caused by microorganisms which pass into breast milk, congenital metabolic disorders in babies, or other reasons that cause sensitivity to the components of human milk, mother’s exposure to drugs that is excreted...